Sunday, October 25, 2015


Hey, hey!!  Can you believe how fast October has flown by? I'm one of those crazy people who start playing Christmas music on November 1st and get butterflies in my stomach when Target starts putting all the holiday decor and displays out.  (Yes, we practically live at Target. I have no insecurities about that fact either!).

I got around to reading a really amazing book this weekend that was recommended to me by a friend. The book is called "Girl Code" by Cara Alwill Leyba.  It always takes me by surprise how certain things and people get put into my life at just the right time and for reasons I might not completely understand right away.  One thing I do know is that when those things happen, they are super special and so I try not to take them for granted.  I literally couldn't put this book down!!  Do yourself a favor and check out her page and order your own copy here.  It will change your life!

I started this blog to document my favorite outfits and to maybe connect with others who love fashion.  Most of the time it's just little ol' me on here and I'm ok with that.  But let me tell you- when you have followers/friends reach out and tell you that what you are sharing inspires them to go out of their comfort zone and in turn makes them feel good about becomes more than just a fun little hobby.  

Here is my outfit from the other day that I literally copied straight off of Jade from A Spoonful of Style's Instagram (@Jscott24).  Go check her out, I love everything she posts, and this sweater from Target is $25!  I literally have worn it every other day since purchasing it and am going to get it in every color.  

Have a great week everybody.

Love you all!


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